Early detection of sepsis could save lives
Researchers from Graz, Austria, are developing a ground-breaking method that uses biomarkers to detect sepsis 2 to 3 days before the first clinical symptoms appear. This can significantly increase the chances of survival in cases […]

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants produce energy using sunlight. In artificial photosynthesis, man-made materials are used to mimic photosynthesis done by leaves. A commonly used man-made material is titanium dioxide (TiO2, also called […]

Sustainable energy through artificial photosynthesis
The environmental problems our planet faces due to the combustion of fossil fuels is a growing concern. Fossil fuel technologies impact our environment through the generation of green house gases in the process. The depletion […]

Slot die coating is slowly but steadily becoming a norm in coating depositions. It surely is becoming a platform technology for many applications. Slot die coatings serve industries including, but not limited to, Li-ion battery, […]