
Non-Newtonian Fluids Part 2 by Victor Ugaz

In this video, Dr Victor Ugaz discusses about common types of non-Newtonian behavior such as shear thinning, shear thickening and Bingham-plastic. Bingham plastic is a material that only starts showing newtonian flow behavior only after […]

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Fluids in motion

This video is an exploration of fluids and fluid dynamics. It describes how do fluids act when they’re in motion and how does pressure in different places change water flow etc. and talk about the […]

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What is a fluid?

Introductory lecture presenting a discussion of the key properties that distinguish fluids from other states of matter, a brief review of thermodynamic properties relevant to fluid mechanics, and the continuum approximation. This video by Dr. […]

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Introduction to viscosity

Introduction to the concept of fluid viscosity and its definition in terms of the relationship between shear stress and deformation. This is a simple and easily understandable basics of fluid viscosity and laminar flow, fluid […]

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Rheology and viscometer fundamentals

This video describes the fundamental of rheology, TA rheometers and strategies for getting better rheology data.

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Presentation on rheological fingerprinting of complex fluids

In this TA Instruments webinar, Prof. Gareth McKinley walks us through rheological fingerprinting of complex fluids and soft fluids using Large amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS) LAOS is used increasingly as a tool to measure the […]

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An Introduction to colloidal suspension rheology

Introduction to the rheology of colloidal dispersions with emphasis on practical interpretation of rheological measurements on colloidal dispersions. Presentation by Prof. Norm Wagner from University of Delaware.

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A video on the basic concepts of rheology and rheological testing

This presentation is by Neil Cunningham, the founder director of the Centre for Industrial Rheology, Hampshire, UK

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